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Is anyone finding new Joes in their toy runs these days?

15 replies [Last post]
Tue, 2012-03-20 06:31
Leonardo T Dragon's picture
Joined: 2012-02-07

Sometimes it's very frustrating to be a G.I. Joe fan...

It's been MONTHS since I've found a new Joe at retail-- at least since early December of 2011. With the movie figures due to hit in May sometime, I'm betting that retailers merely aren't ordering new product but instead are clearing out stockrooms (albeit slowly as the Renegades Cobra Commander and Firefly figures sit and stagnate) in an attempt to have room for the summer movie onslaught.

Is anyone finding figures like the Zombie Viper still at retail? (Forget Renegades Storm Shadow-- finding him is like finding vintage Mego figures still sealed at a toy store in Oklahoma...)

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Lee (not verified)

Nope, same experience in Middle Tennessee. I'm sure you're right, retailers are just waiting for the new movie product. I gave up on Sci-Fi and ordered him online for $13 or $14, the most I've ever paid for a single Joe. That was after a single lucky stop months previous when I happened to stumble on Lifeline and the Zombie Viper.

I know there was a post somewhere (may have been this site) mentioning some recent luck at a Walgreens for that wave. Obviously gonna cost you more, but probably no more than any other source at this point.

Jason (not verified)

Yes, I have been finding a lot of new Joes at retail: Wal-mart, Target, and Toys R Us. I actually just found Storm Shadow last week at a Target. I was stunned to find it as well... looked like I just got there as an employee had added the wave to the shelf. I seriously couldn't believe it.

I've been seeing Zombie Vipers (and that entire wave with Sci-Fi, Lifeline, Techno Viper, etc.) for at least a few weeks. I've gotten one of each of the wave and five Zombie Vipers. I've passed on probably another four Zombie Vipers.

I live in Pennsylvania and can check stores in WV and Ohio too. Not sure if this will help you, but it looks like some retailers are still getting them in, hopefully in preparation for the new movie line. I've noticed Wal-Marts in my area have a "GI Joe" section set up, even if they don't have the current new line in.

Granted, I'm not seeing a lot of the new figures... usually just a single case of the line. But they seem to restock them once they sell out... and they have all been selling out consistently. I'm hoping that means retailers will want new GI Joe product, etc.

Not sure if you collect Marvel Universe, but I still can't find Archangel even though I know Target has been getting in new revision waves with him. Maybe it's sort of a regional thing with GI Joes and Marvel Universe?

Joined: 2012-01-04

I found the Sci Fi wave at my local Walmart which was great since they hadn't carried any Joes since the last movie line finally disappeared. We only got the one case here and it completely disappeared fairly fast. But this was almost 2 weeks ago now.

A buddy of mine in the outskirts of Nashville found the wave a few times and I'm pretty sure it was at Walmart or maybe Target.

I was out and hit three Targets this weekend and all I found was the dregs of the wave-Scarlett and Ripcord mostly but also one Tunnel Rat and then plenty of Renegades Cobra Commander and Snake Eyes from the prior wave.

I also saw that Kroger stores were carrying Renegades 2 just before I found Sci Fi locally. You might check big grocery stores in your area as well. The price was even fairly reasonable at $8 or so.

Any Walgreens I've seen have only had army builders from far earlier waves.



Nebraska's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

In the past 2 weeks, both Target & Walmart stocked the Sci-Fi wave. I bought the Zombie-Vipers & left the rest. I believe Sci-fi & Life-line are still hanging on the pegs @ Target as of today.

Satas's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I found storm shadow at toys r us yesterday, zombie at target also

Joined: 2012-01-04

Didn't find any news Joes...but the price at my local Target is now $10.99.

GlobalDominationMachine's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

these are hitting big at target in eastern pa. the 10.99 price tag is effing ludicrous, though.

Swift's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I still see nothing but series one Renegades here in NE Ohio. After seeing Noisy's review of that Storm Shadow, I NEED that figure. I may be willing to injure someone to get that figure.

Joined: 2012-01-04

My friend outside Nashville just found the second batch of Renegades-Tunnel Rat, Lifeline, Law and Order, etc at his local Walmart AND clearanced out at $3 each. No Zombie Vipers present but everyone else was there. One of each so he took them all. But it can't be the only store in the world.

My Walmart had Joes at $6.97 which is a really good price I think.



Joined: 2012-01-04

The floodgates broke in eastern PA a few weeks ago at TRU, Target and Walmart. All of them got in the Zombie Viper wave, always one case at a time. TRU restocked it several times including the week they were buy 2 get 1 free. Target restocked it slowly, took about a week to refill empty pegs. Walmart never restocked. They've been selling great, even seen a lot of parents and kids buying them. Now TRU and Target have moved forward to the past and started stocking the previously produced Storm Shadow case, which has 1-per Storm Shadow and 2-per Techno Vipers but otherwise just the dregs, and even repacks of Cobra Soldier and Hazard Viper. I take that to mean Hasbro has run out of Zombie Viper cases, which might have been piled in front of the older Storm Shadow cases in the warehouse. So we might have seen the last of Lifeline, Sci-Fi, Airtight, Law and Order and Zombie Viper. No Steel Brigade in the Storm Shadow case either.

Scotty97's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

All the WMs in the area(about 6 of them within 30 miles) finally made peg room for Joes. Sadly, though, they seem to only have stocked one case each(wave 4). Some are getting restocks, some aren't. I've been picking up a lot of Zombies, but there are plenty of the rest of the wave left after I leave. Also, the Walgreens rumor is true, I found a Zombie, Techno-Viper and Ren Scarlett there. I scoffed at the $10.99 price tag. Doesn't seem so excessive now that Target has the same price. I'll wait until Tues and take my buddy with me, Walgreens does a veteran's discount of 15-20% on Tues. At least in this part of FL where there are tons of retirees.


Leonardo T Dragon's picture
Joined: 2012-02-07

Made a circuit of all of the area Walmarts as well as Target and TRU this weekend.

Aside from a METRIC TON of Renegades Firefly and Cobra Commander I saw the following:

Airtight x1
Sci-Fi x1
Techno Viper x1
Ripcord x2

That's pretty much it for my area. Yeah...

Brian/CK (not verified)


I found and picked up a Zombie Viper for you if needed.

Brian (via Droid)

Dr. G (not verified)

Might check you local Wallgreens. That's the only way I've found any new ones. They're like $13 each, though. Did finally get a Techno Viper, Zombie Viper, Airtight, Lifeline and Sci Fi at my local store. They did have a Steel Brigade too, but had to wait until cash frees up. This has been over the last few weeks. I'd buy one and next time a couple of new ones would be out on the rack. I assume they stock them on the floor as space permits, so you might ask a manager.

Anyway that's the only place I've found any new Joes (in eastern Nebraska, btw)

Dr. G

Leonardo T Dragon's picture
Joined: 2012-02-07

Brian/CK wrote:

I found and picked up a Zombie Viper for you if needed.

Brian (via Droid)


Drop me a line on my gmail! I'll definitely take the little flesh-eater off of your hands! Thanks!



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