Okay, I know this sounds like a loaded discussion but I'm curious about what others have done.
Let me preface this-- I'm a 1:18 guy. Always have been thanks to childhood of Star Wars and G.I. Joe. It's my preferred scale and still makes up the vast majority of my collection. However, I got into Marvel Legends back when they debuted HARD! Factor in all of the various other "Legends" and Legends-scale product that Toybiz put out and I ended up with a HUGE assortment of the Toybiz ML figures and BAF's. I even snagged a few of the Hasbro Legends before the price ultimately drove me away. (Curse you Hulk Legends!)
However, now there's the 1:18 Marvel Universe and movie lines. I've already been able to duplicate a lot of my MU collection in the smaller scale and even have some more "in scale" giant figures. Yet I've been holding onto all of my Toybiz stuff for some reason. Now that the g/f and I are looking to move forward and buy a house, I've been thinking that it might be time to pare things down and I keep looking at that giant tub of Marvel Legends in the corner.
Has anyone ditched ML in favor of MU? Any regrets? Was it even worth selling the ML off?