Saw the new 12"er at TRU and I was tempted (wanted to read the MWC review first, which was positive), but I know now I'd never bother with the costume sets.
The idea of Captain Action as this quasi-sailor/spy with nothing but a zapper, sword, and communicator to get the job done really appeals to me. The idea he...what? turns into Spider-Man, or disguises himself as Captain America for whatever reason does nothing for me at all. I know the original idea was to give 60s kids a variety of characters to play with using CA as a template, but I don't think I would have liked that even then.
Does anyone know how they handled the gimmick in the Moonstone comics? Does he change into heroes created just for the series, or not change at all (which, obviously, I'd prefer) or what?
This is the same reason I couldn't really get into Ben 10, by the way. I always liked it better when he was just Ben.
Anyway, I might actually pick the Captain Action up; he looks cool. But I wondered if I'd be the only one who left it at that.