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The real deal Battle Beasts coming back?

5 replies [Last post]
Thu, 2012-04-12 13:17
Starscream's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Beast Saga figures

It looks interesting.

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Jon's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Sweet. Battle Beasts weren't ever my favorite property, but I had a few as a kid and I've always thought they're really neat so I'm glad to see 'em returning. If the price isn't unreasonable I'd likely be all-in if the vintage figures got reissued. =)

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I just did a quick Google search of the vintage toys and I had more of 'em that I remembered: Pirate Lion, Deer Stalker, Killer Carp, Triple Threat Snake, Rocky Rhino, Run Amuck Duck, and Miner Mole. I never even knew any of their names. :b

Emerje's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I wonder if they'll still have the rub signs. They're still using chest symbols, but I wonder if they'll replace them with a little screen and an LED like some Redakai figures have.


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simian's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I'd hope so. Those stupid decals always came off.
Wasn't DST supposed to release new Battle Beasts figures? I really hope they don't somehow screw things up for us.


simian, the Mighty Poo Flinger!

Joined: 2012-01-04

THe site they're putting together for the BB figures and such is still mostly inactive, but the first figure they show is a built up Minimate. I think this one has actually been released somehow (only perused the site briefly), but they don't look to be quite like the old ones.

Joined: 2012-01-03

No, DST's line is pretty radically different than the originals. They're basically Minimate bodies with heavily sculpted armored animal parts attached. So, I suppose if you're a Battle Beasts or a Minimate purist, there's something for you to hate.

However, the promo figure and design sheet pics coming out of C2E2 look pretty cool. And from the descriptions of come of the new characters, they sound like they might just remind you of... Xevoz...


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