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LOTR Lego is out at TRU

12 replies [Last post]
Sat, 2012-05-12 19:37
Rob's picture
Joined: 2009-10-14

I saw several of the new Lego LOTR sets at TRU tonight. They had:

Gandalf Arrives - $16.99
Shelob Attacks - $24.99
Uruk-Hai Army - $34.99
Attack on Weathertop - $79.99

I didn't pick up any as these prices are generally $5 or more of what they will be at Wal-Mart and Target. I am hoping they will hit the other retailers soon.

I did grab Monster Fighters 'The Swamp Creature' set.


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Max's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Rob wrote:
I saw several of the new Lego LOTR sets at TRU tonight. They had:

Gandalf Arrives - $16.99
Shelob Attacks - $24.99
Uruk-Hai Army - $34.99
Attack on Weathertop - $79.99

I didn't pick up any as these prices are generally $5 or more of what they will be at Wal-Mart and Target. I am hoping they will hit the other retailers soon.

I did grab Monster Fighters 'The Swamp Creature' set.


OMG, thank you Rob. Now I'm going to be stalking Toys R Us every day. I don't know what I want more--LOTR LEGos or Monster Fighters!

Ash 618's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

We just had a Lego store open out here in KC so they may have them there as well! I really only want to get the Fellowship in Lego form so hopefully I wont have to shell out over 100 bucks like you have to for the entire Avengers team....


" F***Ing Ebay!!"

Joined: 2012-01-04

Lego Madness!!! Just too much at once guys...

I believe the original release dates were May/June for LOTR and Jul/Aug for Monster Fighters which was more manageable since the Marvel Superheroes Line has only been out a month. Now, while it pains me, I am just going to have to wait on picking up these sets until July and August. With spending close to $800 on Avengers Minimates and Marvel Lego for my son and I, the tank is empty.


JJJason's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Saw the Mines of Moria set at a TRU on Friday. That's all I've seen, so far. No Monster Fighters, yet, but I'm sure it won't be long.



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Red5's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Just after I found series 7 minifigs too. It's Legopalooza!

I'm really looking forward to the LOTR sets. Monsters too, but Gandalf in Lego form is too sweet to pass up.

Also, it means Lego clearance for Target whenever they do get them in.



Joined: 2012-01-04

Went to 2 TRUs this weekend (CA Bay Area). Both had all the Monster Hunter sets on an endcap. Neither had the LotR sets. Good thing since I don't need the temptation. Big smile

riotact's picture
Joined: 2012-01-11

I was told by my local Lego Store that they'll have both the LOTR and Monster Fighters June 1st. It sucks to wait, but I'm not giving TRU my money when they charge so much more. Plus the Lego VIP program is way better than the TRU Rewards.

TRU wants $20 OVER retail for both the Attack on Weathertop set and the Mines or Moria set, and an insane $30 over retail for the Battle of Helm's Deep set.

If you purchase every set from Lego, you get $15 in rewards (which you can build up and save with no expiration), and save $84 over TRU's prices. Plus Lego will have the Orc Forge set which is a shared exclusive between them and Target.

riotact's picture
Joined: 2012-01-11

Lego now has all of the LOTR sets listed on-line as available now. And the local Lego store told me the'll have them next week instead of June 1st.

Also starting tomorrow is their free Hulk minifig promotion. Spend $50 or more on any lego purchase and get a free Hulk.

JJJason's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Found all the Monster Fighter sets available to TRU yesterday and, I dunno, I really want the Fighters themselves, and I quite like their vehicles, but the monsters' vehicles don't really do it for me. I feel like Lord Vampire's hearse, in particularly, doesn't mesh with the rest of the line. It's one of the reasons I didn't get into Ninjago, which appears to be just a mish-mash of whatever with ninjas stuck on it.

We'll see what I end up doing. As it stands now, I don't see myself paying TRU prices for Monster Fighters.



Follow me on Twitter for fun, hilarity, and societal venom.

Noir, Westerns, Bit of Me...

Red5's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Found and purchased the three smallest sets of LOTR at Walmart today. They did not scan at the price checker but did at the register. 12.99, 19.99, 29.99. Mines of Moria was 79.99



Joined: 2012-01-04

JJJason wrote:
Found all the Monster Fighter sets available to TRU yesterday and, I dunno, I really want the Fighters themselves, and I quite like their vehicles, but the monsters' vehicles don't really do it for me. I feel like Lord Vampire's hearse, in particularly, doesn't mesh with the rest of the line. It's one of the reasons I didn't get into Ninjago, which appears to be just a mish-mash of whatever with ninjas stuck on it.

We'll see what I end up doing. As it stands now, I don't see myself paying TRU prices for Monster Fighters.


Yeah I'm not a fan of the vehicles. I did go ahead and buy two of the Swamp Creature sets, and made a bigger two-seat boat that I like. Still ended up small, though. I did appreciate Lego including three revolvers in the set, that was a nice surprise.

I will probably end up getting a werewolf set online at some point and the Zombies whenever that's released.

Red5's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Amazon has Moria and Weathertop in stock. 79.99 and 59.99.




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