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Having seen the regular Dark Knight Rises line now, I must say...

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Tue, 2012-05-29 20:17
JJJason's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

...Mattel didn't even try.

I'd be embarrassed to have my name on those. I couldn't care less about the movie and I was actually annoyed by how bad those figures are. Those are Hasbro's Jurassic Park III level bad, except not as good.

Every single figure Playmates and ToyBiz made in the 90s is better than these. Just a disgrace.



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MyClone's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Sadly, I must agree. I'd been looking forward to seeing "the Bat" in stores, as the promo pics made it look like just a mess of parts. I finally see it at Target, and it still looks like a mess in the box! Pass. I picked up the movie-color, 4-inch version of Batman as a consolation prize. The sculpt is good for its size, but the figure itself is terrible even at the $5 I paid. No elbow or waist joints, and the arms are cast in a bizarre, rubbery plastic. Unless you intend to use the figure only for display in a Batmobile, avoid.

Best, MyClone

Joined: 2012-01-04

I'm going to have to agree with the previous comments. I saw these figures/vehicles today at TRU and they are all disappointments in one form or another.
I was hoping for decent versions of the tumbler (both rocket laucher and cannon versions) and the ones I saw are so... distorted, proportions so... wrong, that they can only be "TOYS".
The small figures are unimpressive, thought not terrible (there will always be multi-colored Batmen), while the larger figures are not nearly as detailed as the figures from the last movie (and it's the same costume (hence same figure!)).
I'm a HUGE Batman fan, with a fairly impressive collection, but there was nothing in what I saw today at Toys R Us that interested me at all. I'm still holding out some small hope that the 1/50 scale diecast batmobiles will make a decent version of the new tumblers, otherwise this entire movie may be a wash for me in terms of merchandise.
And that would be the biggest disappointment of all!

Red5's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

They are indeed uber horrible. Happy Meal, Dollar Store looking puds. Catwoman looks OK. The rest are just bad.




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