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Dark Knight Rises MM Catwoman Found at TRU!!

26 replies [Last post]
Fri, 2012-06-01 11:47
Ash 618's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

That was fast! A buddy of mine called me from the Olathe KS TRU and had found Catwoman and Alfred for me.


" F***Ing Ebay!!"

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Wheelchair Rocker's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Whats the price tag on the DKR MM figures?
I might have to get a Catwoman due to she is the cloest thing to a Julie Newmar catwoman figure.


6 Strings.....Ready To Go.

Jin Saotome's picture
Joined: 2012-05-28

Nice! So what are the other 2 figures needed for the bat signal now?

Joined: 2012-02-11

Jin Saotome wrote:
Nice! So what are the other 2 figures needed for the bat signal now?

John Blake, the police officer played by Joseph Gordon Levitt, and a sixth yet to be revealed mystery character. There's also a Jim Gordon figure exclusive to Walmart that comes with an alternate "shattered Bat-signal" piece.

Anonymous (not verified)

I'm hoping the sixth will be a Begins Ducard/Ra's, we need one and I doubt they could resist the urge to recycle the body for a Ninja Bruce Wayne figure down the line.

Anonymous (not verified)

Also have seen reports on another board of Alfred and Catwoman showing up at K-Marts. Considering they're cheaper there, it might be worth it. I've only seen the movie ticket stickers at Target, though, not sure if products from ANY store count or not.

Anonymous (not verified)

Just a heads up the un coated version of bane will be the last figure, you can see him on big bad toys store when u search yen assortment case, for the dkr figures

Blanka's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03's not....

Ash 618's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Is it just a repack of Gordon or is it a new figure? Havent heard about that one yet

edit: Nevermind, saw it on ebay its a repaint.


" F***Ing Ebay!!"

Anonymous (not verified)
Blanka's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03's not.

Anonymous (not verified)

So if your so sure please share !!!! My word just being informational on what I seen and heard .....

Ash 618's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I agree that it isnt the Secret figure either. Why go through all the trouble of it being a secret figure if its just a variant of another figure. Plus they show it in the case pack outs for series one. Maybe that Bane pictured, is a running change or another exclusive like Gordon but its likely possible that version of Bane IS the 6th figure and that the secret figure ISNT part of the 6 to build the Batsignal. Only time will tell!


" F***Ing Ebay!!"

Anonymous (not verified)

Mystery solved, it's a picture of the 4 INCH BANE. Notice the lack of elbows and less detailed vest (why would they sculpt a new torso on a variant?) That's the case pack hitting stores now.

Lowe (not verified)

That's not 4 inch Bane, that's the 6 inch from the MM 2 pack. I bought and recieved one from Figure of the Day a few weeks ago. It sucks.

MM BAFs are the following:
John Blake

Blanka's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

The 2 pack Bane is completely shirtless, and no..he doesn't suck. It's actually a pretty badass figure.

Anonymous (not verified)

Wrong, the two-pack Bane is shirtless, no vest and has elbow articulation. And it does not come in a case of the singles. It's been a pretty common thing to see 4 inch Bane pictures mixed in with the movie masters ones, it's the same as when Mattycollector pictured DCUC BAF Kalibak when soliciting the JLU version.

Anonymous (not verified)

Wrong wrong wrong !!!! Crazy u keep telling us were wrong and sInce u know it all please verify what u know and how u know ..... Know it all !!!! .........WRONG !!! Lol

Blanka's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

For one, there is no one here that needs to verify anything to you. Further-- your line of reasoning makes no sense. The big, airtight SECRET figure is a character we already know about, in a look we've already seen countless times now? Use your brain. And lastly, what makes YOU so certain? Because of a stock preproduction photo that we've ALL seen for months now? THAT is all your basing your assumption off of? Broken record here--use your brain.

Joined: 2012-01-04

Truthfully, Blanka, he's got as much to base it on as you do, unless you can tell us right now what the final figure is and back it up. It wouldn't be the first time Mattel has inadvertently spilled the beans on a secret, nor the first time they've built up hype only to let us down. The man asked you to simply back up what you were saying in any way, shape or form, and it took you several posts to even make a stab at doing that. When you state something flat out as a fact by saying, "No, it isn't," don't get snarky when someone calls you out and asks you to verify your "facts."

As for the final figure, I think there's a possibility it's Ra's IF Mattel is willing to splurge for the new tooling needed; given that Catwoman and Bane are completely new sculpts, I have to hedge my bets on this. Having half the new figures in the line with major new tooling seems a stretch for Mattel right now.

Another bet is that there's an actual reason for the figure to be a secret, namely that the figure is a spoiler for the movie, a character they've kept under wraps or perhaps a figure that reveals something important that happens. As such, it may be someone we wouldn't be able to guess at this time. A venomed-up Bane would be a cool surprise, but everything I've heard about the movie thus far has Bane as nothing more than a generic terrorist, which is more Nolan's style.

Anonymous (not verified)

Bane does use Venom dispersed from the mask (so no tube cutting cop-outs, like in every other media adaption of Knightfall.) I think it's a gas, it makes him stronger, faster and dulls him to pain. But no "hulk" style venomed up transformation, which I think is pretty good given that Batman and Robin's take already did it while ignoring the character's intelligence. That's really what beat Batman, strategy. Had he just venomed up and faced Bruce he would have had his ass kicked. Venom's roids you up but Bats fights guys like Amazo in Justice League so roid rage isn't much of a threat on it's own.

Joined: 2012-01-03

I don't know about having to splurge for new tooling in order to do Ra's. Unless the version of Ra's you're talking about is wearing League of Shadows Ninja Armor or is some Dark Knight Rises version we have yet to see, I can see them using the existing business suit buck. In that case the only tooling cost would come from the head, and if they're including accessories, a gas mask and sword cane.

As for the secret figure being a spoiler, there have been some on set pics of

Spoiler: Highlight to view
Marion Cotillard as Miranda Tate wearing clothes bearing a resemblance to decoy Ras' cape and leading armed men

maybe that's figure #6?


Mr. Tibbs

Joined: 2012-01-03

Tube cutting still looks like an option if you take a good look at his mask and headgear. From everything shown it looks as if he still may have the dosage control on his forearm too.


Mr. Tibbs

Joined: 2012-01-04

But the "venomization" is a big part of what makes Bane Bane. He's a master strategist who is on par with Bruce in brain power, but the venom makes him more than a match for Bruce in the physical department, including size, giving him an undeniable edge. And I can't understand why, in a visual medium like film, Nolan would decide not to give that power a visual representation. I'm not saying he should grow to Hulk-like proportions, but there needs to be some visible effect on him (especially given how utterly uninspired his basic design is to begin with).

Anonymous (not verified)

Because he hasn't used the Venom since 1993? The Rocksteady games and The Batman have utilized the Batman and Robin version (he's a skinny guy without the venom.) I don't think it matters, personally, it's an iteration that's getting an actual ending where they can do pretty much anything, including breaking or killing the main character. Beats what happened to franchises that ended because of crappy sequels (the previous Batman movies, Rami's Spider-Man, Chris Reeves' Superman, etc.)

The next version of the film franchise is probably going to go closer to the video games, putting Batman in a world where he could meet a kryptonian...

Blanka's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

scott metzger wrote:
Truthfully, Blanka, he's got as much to base it on as you do, unless you can tell us right now what the final figure is and back it up. It wouldn't be the first time Mattel has inadvertently spilled the beans on a secret, nor the first time they've built up hype only to let us down. The man asked you to simply back up what you were saying in any way, shape or form, and it took you several posts to even make a stab at doing that. When you state something flat out as a fact by saying, "No, it isn't," don't get snarky when someone calls you out and asks you to verify your "facts."

Okay, for it not common knowledge by now that the last figure will more than likely be Ra's? Is the picture of the mocked up prototype from a few months ago not evidence enough? How about the lists that have leaked, or the toy stores that have inadvertantly put up the last figure's name? I figured these were all things known in this little toy circle. I could go through a laundry list of reasons on why his "theory" is incorrect. And as far as it taking me "several posts" to take an attempt, it's called having a life--working, etc. Sometimes I'm tired and just don't feel like typing up full paragraphs. I was unaware I had to post Scott Metzger lengthed diatribes in order to get my point across. Good to see you've made your way over here to police the new forum, as well.

Joined: 2012-01-04

Just pointing out facts, or the initial apparent lack of them. Blanka. Wink

As for Bane himself, the roided version is the one I think folks know best (as most folks seem to try to forget Batman and Robin). And, as I pointed out, it seems that aspect would be one you'd want to use in a film, especially in a series like this where the visuals are a big part of things. I'll admit to not being a fan of Nolan's everything has to be 100% real approach, as in real life Bats would get cut in half facing 20 armed thugs, so this just seems another case of that dulling down of the Batman mythos.


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